Friday, January 7, 2011

Literacy Center Open House

Friday, January 7th, 2011
11:00 - 12:00 pm, Cesar Chavez Library
4:00 - 5:00 pm, John Steinbeck Library

Salinas Public Library’s Literacy Center will host two Open Houses on Friday, January 7th to recruit new students for its Family for Literacy (FFL) Program, and a new upcoming series of classes to support family literacy.

Any Salinas family with a child under five years of age is invited to attend either Open House. Parents/Guardians should bring their children under the age of five with them to learn about the program, register for upcoming classes, meet other families and kids, and enjoy food, entertainment, and a free drawing for small prizes.

Free classes begin on January 19th and run through February 25th. Classes will focus on themes such as Building Families, Nutrition and the Brain, Importance of Friends, Security and Safety, and How to Use the Library. Class activities will employ arts, crafts, play, and other approaches to making learning fun for small children.

Families for Literacy (FFL) is a program funded through the California State Library Literacy Services to extend the reach of adult literacy services by including the pre-school age children of those adults actively participating in adult literacy services. Primarily through special programming, story-times, and other interaction with the families, Literacy staff demonstrate and model reading aloud and support parents in their role as their child's first teacher.

For more information, contact Margarita Medina-Romero, 758-7462.

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